

Business Essentials for Professionals


Recovery Plans and Major Infrastructure Projects: Drawing Inspiration from France?

The disastrous economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent national lockdowns have put unprecedented pressure on governments across the globe. Kickstarting economies through recovery plans and major infrastructure projects is a recognized approach that can lead to enhanced...

'Double Mutant' Variant Of The Covid-19 Virus Found In India

Examination of the Covid-19 samples collected from 18 states across India has revealed the existence of a new double mutant variant of the coronavirus as well as 771 others. Reports said that out of a total of 10,787 samples of the virus, scientists there found 736 that were positive for the UK...

WHO Europe Says Benefits Of AstraZeneca's Covid-19 Vaccine Outweigh Any Risk

Even as more than 20 nations of the European Union suspending the use of the Covid-19 vaccine from AstraZeneca, jointly developed with the Oxford University, over concerns of alleged blood clotting in a few cases after the vaccine was administered, faith in the vaccine was reiterated by the World...

US Vows To Strengthen Military Support To Japan To Counter Chinese Aggression

The new president of the United States Joe Biden has pledged to further strengthen the country’s partnership with Japan in countering the increasing military activity of China in the volatile Asia-Pacific region. The Biden administration has also ple3dged to defend the Senkakus islands – a set of...

Decision On Brexit Deal To Be Taken In New Year, Says EU Parliament

It will not be until the new year that the European Union will be able to review and analyse the agreement on trade for Brexit in detail that was struck between the United Kingdom and the European Union prior to approving the agreement, said the European Parliament on Thursday.   The last...

Japan PM Pledges Carbon Neutrality By 2050

Japan, the third largest economy of the world, will become carbon neutral by 2050, said the country’s prime minister, Yoshihide Suga. This is the latest efforts of the Japanese government at tackling the climate emergency.   “Responding to climate change is no longer a constraint on economic...

UK Set To Cancel Extradition Treaty With Hong Kong, Says British Newspapers

Taking its dispute and tensions with China a step further, the UK government decided to suspend an extradition treaty that its it had with Hong Kong because of the imposition of the new controversial national security law by Beijing on the city, which is a former British colony, said newspaper...

Virus Pandemic Forces Japanese Government To Declare Emergency For Tokyo, Osaka

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a declared a state of emergency in Tokyo and its surrounding regions over the growing threat of the coronavirus pandemic and warned that capacity fulfillment was being reached by hospitals in the country. He also added that the government was also...

Study Warns Of Second Waves Of Covid-19 Due To Early Lifting Of Lockdowns

According to researchers, a second wave of infection of the coronavirus could be delayed in China by extending the closures of school and work at the ground zero of the pandemic. Researchers also urged the rest of the world, parts of which are already under lockdown, to take note of this warning....

Japan's Abe Hints At Postponement Of Coronavirus

It there is a possibility that the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo could get delayed or get postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world, said the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for the first time on Monday. A number of countries have already objected to the Games being held...

Italy Surpasses China In Number Of Coronavirus Deaths

The number of people who have now died in Italy because of the novel coronavirus outbreak has crossed that of mainland China even as the richest countries of the world announced assistance packages of unprecedented amounts into the global economy.   3,405 people have succumbed to Covid -19,...

The New Coronavirus Outbreak Declared As A Pandemic By The WHO

After declaring the fast spreading and deadly coronavirus as a global epidemic last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) has now declared the virus outbreak that causes the disease Covid19 as a pandemic – the highest threat level that of the global health body.   The WHO said that...
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