

Business Essentials for Professionals


In 2017, Looming Large is Fed Debate Over $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s holdings are stuck at $4.5 trillion, and the question of when to let them shrink is beginning to simmer eight years after it launched the first of three controversial bond-buying campaigns to help save the U.S. economy.   To get the debate started, several policy...

International RFPs: are you ready?

One of the many gifts of globalization: when deals were still mainly national, twenty years ago, common markets, such as the NAFTA area or the Eurozone, have made bidding for deals across borders very common practices, even for relatively modest companies. But beware, selling to companies abroad...

Brexit and Trump Uncertainty Make Investors Turn Wary

As uncertainty over the terms of Britain's divorce from the European Union undermined appetite for risky assets and seeking shelter in gold and the Japanese yen, investors bailed out of sterling and stock markets in Europe and Asia on Monday.   After being hit by a lack of clarity over the...

Fiat Chrysler Accused of Excess Diesel Emissions by EPA

As a result of a probe that stemmed from regulators' investigation of rival Volkswagen AG, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV has been accused of illegally using hidden software to allow excess diesel emissions to go undetected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.   Since the maximum fine...

Pharma Stocks Slide as Trump says the Industry is ‘Getting Away with Murder

Drugs stocks were sent sharply lower after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump promised to change the pharmaceutical companies’ policy and rate of what they charge the government for medicines and said that the companies are "getting away with murder".   After his remarks at a news conference...

Investor Believes that a Growing Opportunity would be Available by Relaxation of Laws for Cannabis

Cannabis stock has seen "amazing performance," is what one investor recently noted when being quoted in the media in relation to the relaxation for laws for the weed.   Cannabis production was described as a "professionalized industry that's becoming a real big market" by Juan Sartori,...

For the First Time Since 2013, Analysts Expect a Rise in Asia's Diesel Profit

As demand for the fuel improves in the infrastructure, construction, mining and oil and gas exploration sectors, Asian refiners' profit margins from producing diesel in 2017 may rise for the first time in four years.   Analysts and traders said that higher margins would be spurred by a...

Geniuses of Wall Street Strategists Made by a 10% Rally in S&P 500

The U.S. equity strategists got one thing right about 2016: where the S&P 500 Index would end up, even though they didn’t exactly nail every detail.   In fact, comparing Bloomberg data going back to 2000, their accuracy in predicting the annual gain of 9.5 percent is unprecedented. as...

TUC Head says Fairer Share of Economic Gains Needed by Working People

The head of the Trades Union Congress has urged that the tide in an increasingly precarious jobs market would be turned if the working people in Britain were to get a “new bargain” in 2017 that gives them a fairer share of the country’s economic gains.   In her new year’s message, Frances...

Consumer Entertainment could be Transformed by Episodic Virtual Reality Content

Virtual reality (VR)   startups are now hoping it will transform their market in the same manner that the development of serialized content had transformed traditional entertainment media.   The so called first animated science-fiction VR series is being developed by Warrior9, a...

How Emerging Markets Perform in 2017 will be Determined by Trump Factor

U.S. politics would significantly decide on whether the emerging markets can be good investment opportunities next year.   Citing stronger growth in some of the countries, relative political stability and positive company earnings, analysts have said they foresee an improvement in emerging...

In a Power Surge Move, Chinese Electric Car Battery Maker Eyes Global Market

Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd (CATL) poised to go from hometown hero to national champion, and beyond in China even as a dusty village on the outskirts of Ningde, a third-tier city in China's southeast, seems an unlikely place for the headquarters of such a potential company.   This...
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