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Instagram, And Facebook, Will Charge Apple A Service Fee For Postings That Are "Boosted" Through iOS Apps

Instagram, And Facebook, Will Charge Apple A Service Fee For Postings That Are "Boosted" Through iOS Apps
Businesses who buy a "boost" for their postings on the iOS versions of Meta Platforms' social media apps, Facebook and Instagram, will now have to pay app store operator Apple an additional 30% service charge.
According to the social media behemoth, advertisers would be able to promote their content on Facebook and Instagram using a browser without having to pay the Apple service fees.
In 2022, Apple released the revised App Store policies. Meta announced that it will begin enforcing the new regulations in the US this month, and that later in the year, it will extend this cost to other markets.
A representative for Meta refrained from addressing whether the modification would have any significant effects.
"We are required to either comply with Apple's guidelines, or remove boosted posts from our apps," Meta said in a statement.
"We do not want to remove the ability to boost posts, as this would hurt small businesses by making the feature less discoverable and potentially deprive them of a valuable way to promote their business."
Changes include requiring marketers that enhance posts on iOS to pay in advance rather than after the advertisements run. Apple, not Meta, will bill advertisers for this service.
Businesses wishing to promote their content on Facebook or Instagram can use Meta's boosted posts offering, which eliminates the need for a campaign using Ads Manager, Meta's advertising platform that enables firms to purchase and create ads.
"Boosting, which allows an individual or organization to pay to increase the reach of a post or profile, is a digital service - so of course In-App Purchase is required," Apple said in a statement. "This has always been the case and there are many examples of apps that do it successfully."
Apple did clarify, though, that Meta users can continue to pay for their advertising campaigns using a different standalone app called "Meta Ads Manager" without having to pay commissions to Apple because that app is excluded from Apple's policies regarding advertising campaign management apps.

Christopher J. Mitchell

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