Protests are planned in Amazon locations across Europe, the UK, US, and Europe during Black Friday.
The day for sales and shopping is among the busiest days on Amazon all year long.
An international alliance of equality, unions and environmental organizations called "Make Amazon Pay" is organizing a day of action.
The protesters are demanding that Amazon change its business practices, such as increased pay, a halt surveillance of employees, and union involvement.
In a separate, unrelated protest in a separate protest, the Extinction Rebellion environmental group has stopped access to Amazon distribution centers within the UK.
The group claims it has targeted 13 British structures including the biggest one located in Dunfermline.
The group is also organizing similar actions outside of Germany as well as the Netherlands.
The Make Amazon Pay coalition is not associated with Extinction Rebellion group, but it also includes environmental groups like Greenpeace among its members.
"Amazon takes too much and gives back too little," it claims - backed by trade unions, grassroots campaigns and non-profit-making organisations in individual countries.
In the UK This includes:
GMB Union GMB Union
Trades Union Congress
War on Want
International Transport Workers' Federation
Labour Behind the Label
There is no way that the UK Amazon warehouses are unionised legally, which means they cannot strike.
A lot of employees will be on the job during the day, however protest groups, which comprise Amazon employees are holding demonstrations in Amazon headquarters at Coalville, Leicestershire, Coventry, Peterborough and at its London headquarters in London.
But strikes are still supported in other places.
In Germany For instance the German union Verdi demanded that employees of major shipping facilities to strike starting on Wednesday evening. Also, in France the largest union CGT has also called for workers to put down their tools.
In the world, over 50 companies have agreed to the list of "common demands", published by the Make Amazon Pay coalition, which includes:
Increasing warehouse workers' wages and introducing hazard pay as well as increase in peak times
Stopping workers from "surveillance" and strict productivity goals
The extension of sick leave as well as the improvement in monitoring and reporting on Covid-19
The end of casual employment as well as "union-busting" activities
Paying taxes , without using tax loopholes, tax havens, or loopholes.
Owen Espley, from the War on Want campaign group Owen Espley from the War on Want campaign group stated: "Amazon is abusing its dominance in online commerce, cloud services and logistics to create unfair competition, creating a lower standard for everyone.
The GMB union released data on Friday, which it claimed indicated that ambulance calls to Amazon warehouses increased by more than 50% during the week leading up towards Black Friday - something it blames on employees' rush to meet "crushing targets".
It has filed Freedom of Information requests with four ambulance trusts located near "major Amazon sites". The company said that the information shows that in the last 5 years of time, the month of November saw the highest number of ambulance trips.
"We know we're not perfect and are continuing to get better every day, but the fact is that Amazon has 40% fewer injuries on average compared to other transportation and warehousing businesses in the UK," a spokesperson said.
The day for sales and shopping is among the busiest days on Amazon all year long.
An international alliance of equality, unions and environmental organizations called "Make Amazon Pay" is organizing a day of action.
The protesters are demanding that Amazon change its business practices, such as increased pay, a halt surveillance of employees, and union involvement.
In a separate, unrelated protest in a separate protest, the Extinction Rebellion environmental group has stopped access to Amazon distribution centers within the UK.
The group claims it has targeted 13 British structures including the biggest one located in Dunfermline.
The group is also organizing similar actions outside of Germany as well as the Netherlands.
The Make Amazon Pay coalition is not associated with Extinction Rebellion group, but it also includes environmental groups like Greenpeace among its members.
"Amazon takes too much and gives back too little," it claims - backed by trade unions, grassroots campaigns and non-profit-making organisations in individual countries.
In the UK This includes:
GMB Union GMB Union
Trades Union Congress
War on Want
International Transport Workers' Federation
Labour Behind the Label
There is no way that the UK Amazon warehouses are unionised legally, which means they cannot strike.
A lot of employees will be on the job during the day, however protest groups, which comprise Amazon employees are holding demonstrations in Amazon headquarters at Coalville, Leicestershire, Coventry, Peterborough and at its London headquarters in London.
But strikes are still supported in other places.
In Germany For instance the German union Verdi demanded that employees of major shipping facilities to strike starting on Wednesday evening. Also, in France the largest union CGT has also called for workers to put down their tools.
In the world, over 50 companies have agreed to the list of "common demands", published by the Make Amazon Pay coalition, which includes:
Increasing warehouse workers' wages and introducing hazard pay as well as increase in peak times
Stopping workers from "surveillance" and strict productivity goals
The extension of sick leave as well as the improvement in monitoring and reporting on Covid-19
The end of casual employment as well as "union-busting" activities
Paying taxes , without using tax loopholes, tax havens, or loopholes.
Owen Espley, from the War on Want campaign group Owen Espley from the War on Want campaign group stated: "Amazon is abusing its dominance in online commerce, cloud services and logistics to create unfair competition, creating a lower standard for everyone.
The GMB union released data on Friday, which it claimed indicated that ambulance calls to Amazon warehouses increased by more than 50% during the week leading up towards Black Friday - something it blames on employees' rush to meet "crushing targets".
It has filed Freedom of Information requests with four ambulance trusts located near "major Amazon sites". The company said that the information shows that in the last 5 years of time, the month of November saw the highest number of ambulance trips.
"We know we're not perfect and are continuing to get better every day, but the fact is that Amazon has 40% fewer injuries on average compared to other transportation and warehousing businesses in the UK," a spokesperson said.